WW3 Countries at War Rules
Hi, thanks for playing WW3 Countries at War, this game is a sequel to my game ‘WW2 Countries at War’. And so, if you have already played WW2 Countries at War then this game should be a breeze. Of course, there are some differences between the two and I am happy to say this game has a lot of upgrades including ICBMs, special buildings, bombers and much more. The main world scenario called ‘World WW3’ starts with the launching of ICBMs, these weapons devastate the lands and armies of the NATO allies and ComPact Allies, leaving them to a mere 20% of their starting strength, and so they would have to rebuild their armies. This creates a different dynamic compared to WW2, and this brings us to an interesting situation where the other minor countries suddenly become quite powerful, especially India. For the next 10 turns countries like India and Pakistan will control the largest armies in the world. Interesting challenges present themselves, suppose if Nth Korea, allied to Russia, becomes one of the targets of a nuclear strike, her small country with an impressive one million soldiers would not stand a chance. Now if I were to play as Nth Korea, I would need to move my forces away from the main targeting regions. Send them to Mongolia or Vladivostok out of harm's way in the first turn. If they were to survive, I would then have a real chance at conquering my enemies. Soon after the firestorm, I could then bring them back and send them to capture the defenseless enemy cities that have been devastated by the nuclear attack. And could I dare dream of invading Japan or even down as far as Australia?
What is new in this game?
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles can attack any land or sea area on the map. ICBMs are stored in your inventory and to access them you go to MENU -> VICTORY METER -> ICBM page. You can purchase more ICBMs here or launch them. To Launch ICBMs, you have the option of selecting auto target or manual target. ICBM can be intercepted by land-based SAMs, SAMs have 30% chance of destroying an ICBM in flight. SAMs can be purchased on the land build page. Any ICBMs that strike a region will cause massive damage, including armies, garrison, population, factories, fortifications, special buildings, and land development will be damaged. The damage is random and only one army per ICBM will be hit. Fleets can be targeted with random effects.
How to build ICBMs
You need to own a Nuclear Weapons facility or one of its upgrades to be able to purchase ICBMs. When you build a Nuclear Weapons facility, you receive one ICBM every turn per facility. Some facilities can produce more than one ICBM, and some buildings also produce SAMs. Read the building description for more information.
Strategic Bombers have double the range of jet fighters and triple the damage, Strategic Bombers also cause collateral damage to other armies and damage the cities and factories as well.
Each region can support one special building, each building has a different purpose, e.g., the Production Centre lets you produce all military unit types up to 5 regions away from the building. If a special resource is in that region like gold, then you may be able to build a mine to enhance the income of that land. Oil is another resource and one of the best income products that you can build, it lets you build an oil refinery there. There is a list of the buildings and their benefits, go to Build Page -> Special Building -> Building Info.
Infantry is a good all-around unit. They should comprise the bulk of your armies. They are good in attack and defense. They receive the full bonuses from terrain and fortification defenses.
Tanks are the primary offensive weapon and have awesome attack and defense capabilities. Tank armies can break through enemy fortifications. Their main weakness is from the air and mass AT guns.
Foreign Infantry is an inferior infantry type. They will be available for purchase in lands where you are unable to build national Infantry, e.g. foreign lands, and any land that you don't have production level.
artillery can bombard adjacent lands without loss. They are great for destroying fortifications and causing disruption to enemy armies. They are weak in defense and vulnerable to air attacks.\
Rocket Infantry includes anti-aircraft, surface-air-missiles (SAMs)and anti-tank (AT) guns. They are particularly good against planes and tank attacks, but weak against infantry. They are weaker when attacking and stronger in defense. You should include some of these in all your armies and particularly in your garrisons.
Planes can attack any enemy land or sea area. Planes are highly effective against ships, artillery, and tanks. Their attacks will also disrupt enemy land units. They are vulnerable to anti-aircraft guns and defensive aircraft.
All armies can move 2 spaces through any friendly land area.
Armies cannot move into a sea area, but move across the sea (explained later)
Armies will combat any enemy Army they encounter when moving into another land area. The army's movement always finishes after combat.
When an army moves into another land controlled by an enemy, combat will take place, and the victor will take control of that land.
Garrisons guard the land and cannot move.
Armies can be created by drawing troops from a garrison.
Armies can move across the sea from one land or island to another land or island, but you need ships parked outside or touch the land you wish to take your army to.
You can only create an army from troops in a garrison. Garrisoned troops are bought by tapping on one of the lands that you own and then tapping the Build button. A list of available military forces will be shown on the build page for you to purchase. Normally you will purchase 5,000 troops per tap. Once you have purchased all the troops you need you can then create an army.
When you tap on a land with soldiers present, a small pane opens up at the bottom of the screen displaying any forces present in this land. The first box will be reserved for the garrison. If there are any other boxes present, they will either be armies or navies. The first Box(garrison) may show a fort if present. A fort can defend both garrisons and armies.
Now tap on the garrison box and a new window will open showing you the forces in the garrison. If there are forces, there you will see a ‘Create an Army’ button. Tap on this button and another page opens with sliders for you to move troops between your new army and the garrison. Note that all troops have already been moved into your army so you may want to move some back into the garrison. If you are happy with the number of troops in the army press the Accept button. You now have an army standing in front of all else. All armies are represented by a set of 6 soldiers with a flag. A tank army is represented by a tank image and a flag, etc. Garrisons are represented by images of kneeling troops; this will depend on the number of troops garrisoned there.
Combat occurs when you move your army into a land with an enemy army of the garrison. Combat starts with your army attacking every enemy army in that land, and if successful then battle the garrison. Garrisons and armies get the defense bonus of the forts. But fortifications can be destroyed during any battle. The only difference when battling armies and garrisons is the armies will tend to retreat sooner than the garrisons and this may save many lives if they have another land to retreat to, if not then they will surrender and be eliminated.
Combat happens in rounds, after each round casualties are taken, fortifications are destroyed, and morale is decreased. This keeps happening until one side's morale drops below 30% then the broken army will be forced to retreat or surrender. If the Attacking army wins, then the fight moves to the next army or garrison.
Tanks can be added to any army, but when they are massed together, they form a Tank Army. The Tank Army is the leading offensive unit and as they are hard to destroy this makes them a great breakthrough force. When the Tank Army attacks, it brings fear into the enemy which causes them to break and run sooner.
Planes can be added to any army but are more versatile when moved into a separate army that is called an 'Air Army'. Air Armies can move further than regular armies and can hit and run when they attack other armies. They can fly over lands to attack an enemy land and then return home to their original land. Planes can also attack navies in the sea. The more advanced planes can fly further than lower levelled planes. Air attacks can cause 'Disruption' to enemy armies that will weaken them in future attacks. Air Armies will defend against any air attacks that are launched against the land they are located in.
artillery can be added to any army (but not Air Armies). Artillery Armies can bombard adjacent lands without loss. Artillery attacks can cause 'Disruption' to enemy armies that will weaken them in future attacks. Air Armies will target Artillery Armies as a priority so it's good to pack your Artillery Armies with some heavy weapons. Artillery Armies cannot attack Ships at sea.
Aircraft Carriers are the lords of the seas because of their potent aircraft. These planes will defend against any attack coming from land or sea, they get the first strike. Carrier-based planes auto restock 10-25 planes each turn depending on how far you are from your production center, If in the harbor the carrier restocks all its planes each turn. Restocking planes costs you $1 per plane. Ships can only be purchased from a Production Centre.
Fleets can move 2 spaces.
Fleets can move through any friendly sea zones.
Fleets can move into any of your coastal lands, these are considered ports.
Fleets will combat any enemy navy they encounter when moving into sea areas.
Moving armies across the sea into another land,
To be able to move armies across the sea from one land/island to another land/island you need the following conditions,
The Starting Location:
The army needs to be located on coastal land that is adjacent to a sea area that is either owned by you or by a friendly nation.
The End location:
The final landing location needs to be adjacent to a sea area, and that sea area must have at least one of your ships in it.
Also, you must be able to trace a path through friendly sea regions between the start and end locations. You do not have to own these sea regions, and you do not need ships in them (apart from the final location) to be able to move across the sea.
Ship combat is like land combat, each ship has a number of guns depending on the development level. Except ships can retreat without losing ships from surrendering. Ships can return to your capital if there is nowhere to retreat. The fleet with the most guns wins. Remember, it’s always better to have one larger fleet than 2 smaller fleets in battle. One ship is needed to control a sea area. Planes attacked first, then submarines, then gunnery. This cycle repeats until one side retreats.
Combat penalties would include terrain features, forts, rivers, and amphibious landings.
Combat penalties are accumulative.
So, if you attack across a river into land with 3 forts and it’s in the forest, you will have a combat penalty of 35% plus 50% for the forts. Forts work a little differently as they can be knocked down during the battle.
RIVER (-20%) Attacking across a river
FORESTS (-10%)
FORTS, 1 (-10%), 2 (-18%), 3 (-25%), 4 (-30%), 5 (-35%), 6+ (-40%),
Technology in this game is extremely important because you have better ships to choose from and stronger troops, but they are more expensive. You also can upgrade your lands to produce more factories and more money.
Land income is calculated by the following,
Land income = Factories + Population(M) + Resource
Plains- Plains are the most common feature and have no defense bonus
Mountains- Mountains offer a 15% defense bonus
Forests- Forests offer a 10% defense bonus
Rivers- When crossing a river to attack a land the is a 20% defense bonus
Beach landing - When attacking from the sea add another 25% defense bonus
Each land area has its development level. If your nation's development level is at Level 3 then you can upgrade your land to level 3.
Land Factories will increase as the Lands development level increases.
20 factories = 5 tech points/turn.
Capital = 25 tech points/turn.
Factories grow naturally over time. The number of factories depends on the Population and the development level of the land. Factories add to the land income and increase your tech points. Some factories will get destroyed when combat occurs in that land.
The Population of each land is different and does not change. The exception is when you destroy the land, then the population will drop by one million. Land populations affect land income and factory growth.
Production Centers- Each Capital starts with one production center; production centers supply lands within 5 spaces with the ability to purchase land weaponry like tanks, artillery, etc. This is referred to as being in supply. If armies are surrounded or out of supply range then they cannot purchase military hardware, they can only purchase foreign troops which are inferior to regular troops. Ships can only be purchased at the production center. Production Centers will be destroyed when the land is conquered by an enemy force. If your production center is destroyed then you cannot build ships, planes, or tanks, you can then only build foreign troops. You can build a Production Centre anywhere, but they are expensive.
To access your Nation’s detail pages you need to look for the Nations Info Panel. The Nations Info Panel is at the bottom of the screen, and it shows you the Nation's name, income, credits, money, and development level.
The two flags to either side are buttons that access the Nation’s detail pages.
Nation’s detail pages show various information about your relationships with the nations. It also shows the leaderboard for development, most powerful, incomes, armies, populations, etc.
To see your Nation’s Summary, Cash Flow, Victory Meter, ICBM page, and Market, you need to tap anywhere on the Nation Info Panel at the bottom.
The Nations Summary shows your Nation’s vital details - Cash on hand, Development Level, Population, Regions owned, Ships, Troops, Resources, Reputation, and your position on the leaderboard.
This is a breakdown of all your income and costs.
This Bar chart shows you a visual indication of how you are doing compared to the next top nation and what this game is looking for to achieve victory.
Types of victory can be 1) most powerful, 2) most income, and 3) victory points.
The market is where you can trade your credits for money to spend in the game.
Depending on the game you are playing, all nations will have an individual friendship level with all other nations. There is also another level of relationship and that is with alliances. Alliances will override any nation's friendships with other nations. The human player starts all games as the founder of an alliance power. So other nations will only view the human player as major alliance power. There are 4 alliance powers Allies, Axis, Soviets, and Nationalists. All neutral nations will eventually join one of these alliances. You have an opportunity during the game to coerce/aide/bribe these neutral nations to join your alliance.
Attacks on any neutral nation will negatively influence other nations. So, if the Axis powers keep attacking and conquering neutral nations, then the other alliance powers and neutral nations will have their friendship rating move closer toward war.
The alliance state between countries and major powers will be measured by the values 0-10.
-0: AT WAR
4-6: WARY.
10+: ALLIES.
WAR - When in a state of war, nations will attempt to attack and conquer the lands of the nations that they are at war with.
HOSTILE - When your country is in a hostile state with another country (or power) this means that both nations (or powers) dislike each other and are close to war.
WARY - When your country is in a wary state with another country (or power) this means that both nations (or powers) are in the middle ground of liking or disliking the other. You can attempt to give aid(money) to sway this nation to become more friendly toward your nation.
FRIENDLY - When your country is in a friendly state with another country (or power) this means that both nations (or powers) are moving towards an alliance. You can attempt to give aid(money) to sway this nation to become an ally of your nation.
ALLIES - When two nations are Allies, this means that both nations will aid each other in a war against another nation or power. Once a nation becomes allies, they stay allies for the rest of the game.
Computer players are less capable than in Med+Hard games. The Human player will receive the stronger force.
All forces are considered equal, with an equal chance of victory.
The Human player will receive the weaker force.