Frequently asked questions


Neutral Spain Attacked Me, then joined my alliance the next turn, Why?

Neutral nations like Spain, Sweden, and Turkey(Ottoman) have been added into the game as neutral wildcards, they work independently of other nations and alliances and are actively trying to expand their own territory. All neutrals will attack to conquer any weak lands that they see, including player nations. They can, in turn, be attacked by anyone without the fear of them declaring war. At some point in the game, neutrals will join the weaker alliance to counter any alliance getting too powerful. Spain probably took your land because it was poorly defended then considered that your alliance was losing the war and then joined your alliance to balance the sides.

How does diplomacy WORK?

Diplomacy is very simple in this game. In the FFA game, forming alliances will only become available when one nation becomes a superpower and reaches an income of 750. When this happens all other nations will then consider forming into pacts, and there are certain conditions before you can join a pact. No one can join a pact that will bring the pact’s income to over 1,000. Nations cannot form a pact with another nation that has an income over 750. Nations will only want to join another nation that has connecting lands. Nations will expect at least 2 connecting land/sea areas when considering joining the player nation. Once a nation joins into an alliance/pact it cannot change. In some games like WW1 and WW2 alliances/pacts are already set, and only neutrals can join one of the pacts.

I Attacked with an army of 1,000,000 men, and lost!

Yes, you can lose a battle even if you have 2 or 3 times the men than that of the defending nation. This game is based on WW1, i.e Trench warfare, so infantry advancing on trenches can sustain large casualties. Tanks, planes and artillery are a big help when attacking and taking fortified lands. Remember, if an enemy’s fortification is at level 5, then your attack strength will be divided by 5. I never assaulted a land with a level 5 fortification, bombard it first to knock it down. Use tanks and planes with your infantry. Tanks ignore fortifications. Planes attack other planes first then artillery, infantry, tanks, fortifications. Note, all countries armies have different strengths.

I Don’t know how to buy troops?

You can purchase troops only on the Winter turn, once a year. So, you need to use your troops sparingly. It may be a good tactic to hold off attacking during the winter turn and to let the other nations wear their troops down before you launch your attacks in later turns. When the Winter turn comes around, the Purchase screen will open up at the start of the turn. You can close the Buy screen to study the map and come back to purchase your troops at any time during the Winter turn. The Buy button is on the bottom left of your screen. Fortification can be purchased at any turn.